GHGi Analytics Pricing Calculator

  Monthly and annual pricing per fuel/emissions point (ex-tax* GBP):

  1 year contract 2 year contract 3 year contract
No of FEPs Monthly price/FEP Annual price/FEP Monthly price/FEP Annual price/FEP Monthly price/FEP Annual price/FEP
8 9.90 118.80 8.91 106.92 7.92 95.04
12 8.68 104.16 7.82 93.84 6.94 83.28
16 7.55 90.60 6.80 81.60 6.04 72.48
25 5.50 66.00 4.95 59.40 4.40 52.80

Additional Energy Point licences will be charged at £10+tax per month each.
For example, licensing for 10 Energy Points in a 12-month contract would be: (£118.80 x 8)+(2 x £10 x 12) = £1190.40 (+tax)

Calculate your contract price options:
Number of Energy Points: