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CDP Supplier Information Request

CDP Supplier Information Request

CDP Supplier Information Request. Certain large companies require their suppliers to complete a comprehensive and detailed questionnaire covering their climate change risk, greenhouse gas emissions and emissions reduction initiatives, the CDP Supplier Information Request. These questionnaires, are required to be completed each year and are scored. Failure to complete the questionnaire or failure to reach a certain minimum score may result in deterioration in the relationship with that customer. Who…

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UK Mandatory Carbon Reporting

UK Mandatory Carbon Reporting

UK mandatory carbon reporting. Certain UK organisations are required to report their carbon emissions in their annual report each year - UK mandatory carbon reporting. This requirement is likely to be extended to all large companies in the near future. Who has to comply? Companies that are UK incorporated and quoted on: The UKLA (UK Listing Authority e.g. the London Stock exchange) Is officially listed in any EEA state Is…

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