Implementing Employee Commuting Reporting

Staff buy-in is vital your Employee Commuting Emissions reporting project
Encourage your employees to support the process and explain the need

Implementing Employee Commuting Emissions Reporting

GHGi Commuting Takes the pain out implementing employee commuting emissions reporting.  Collecting the basic information is also simplified, but communicating the hows and whys to your staff must be properly planned. Gaining acceptance from your employees ensures a smooth implementation.

Explain the Need

Explain why the company needs to report these emissions.  In some cases, your organisation’s customers might require it as part of the sales or tender process.  It may be a requirement of a government contract, as with PPN 06/21.

PPN 06/21

Implementing Employee Commuting Reporting


Your employees will be able to see what their emissions from commuting and homeworking really are. For many people this is really useful information.  For the company it can help it to decide what can be put in place to support employees wishing to reduce their emissions.  These could be things to support those who cycle to work, like workplace showers and secure cycle stores or workplace.  Charging points for battery electric cars, perhaps at a discounted rate to encourage their take up.  Charging points for electric cycles and scooters is another option.


Reassure your staff that the results will not be used to force them into changing their travel choices.  Explain that you understand that for many people cars will be the only practical option.

Explain the Process

Describe how the data collection will work, what to expect and how to access the online support video.  We can work through the details with you in advance.  Even if not all of your staff have email addresses, this can be accommodated in most cases.

GHG Insight

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